Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The first Baaaaaahhhhhhhh-d Title

When my church (Unity Minneapolis) announced the collection of hats and headbands (new or handmade) for infants and toddlers with cancer, which need to be turned into church by Feb. 1 to be distributed at local Children's Hospital
Hats and headbands for infants and toddlers with cancer.
on Valentine's Day with a Valentine's card.
Cancer is one of those things that touched me personally. My mother battles, and my aunt battled for 5 years,  Stage 4 endometrial cancer.  Of course my mother and aunt could not pick the easily beatible kind of cancer; they had to battle the rare aggressive kind instead. I worry sometimes, my sister and/or I may suffer later in life from the same aggressive cancer. Then I push it out of my mind and focus on what I can do today, like cute and fun hats and headbands for kids. 
As a crocheter, sewer and avid craft enthusiast, I felt called to help. I knew in my heart; I had to do something. I searched the internet and found my new favorite site for free crochet patterns, Repeat Crafter Me, written by Sarah who is a crafter, crocheter and crockpoter after my own heart.
Thanks to her tutorial I finished the cutest lamb hat for a 3-6 month old,  last night.
I wound up sharing the sharing the link with at least three people who thought the Repeat Crafter Me lamb hat was adorable.
As a result of my excellent success, I have plans to try and finish a hat a night until January 31. Using many patterns I found on Sarah's Repeat Crafter Me site. So wish me luck as I tackle the bunny, snowman w/ ear muff, cupcake, ladybug, gingerbread, shark, sock monkey,  and a robot
I'm so grateful for Sarah's Repeat Crafter Me patterns, as they have multiple sizes for each pattern. As I have no children, I had no idea where to start for infant and toddler sizing. Sarah at  Repeat Crafter Me has made my gift of love to these children with cancer a truly obtainable reality. 

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