Thursday, January 29, 2015

Not the Green-Eyed Monster, but still Monsters!

Monsters are one of those cutesy- scary things all kids will always get kick out of. Monsters, Inc. was very popular with the kids. I wanted to try and create a monster hat that captured both sides: scarry, and cute. I was asked multiple times if it would be a green-eyed monster. I laughed and said "no".

The first hat I made I named Cyclops, it has one large red eye. It wound up in the more scary category than cute for me. I created a second hat I named Blue-Eyes, since it has three blue eyes.  Blue-Eyes encompassed the more cute nature of the monster. I'm still working on a happy medium, so please share your creations.

Time to get into the pattern, and what I did to create the different monsters.


* = Section to Repeat
AC = Accent Color
BL = Back Loop
BY = Black Yarn
CH = Chain
DC = Double Crochet
FL = Front Loop
HDC = Half Double Crochet
MC = Main Color
SC = Single Crochet
SCD = Single Crochet Decrease
SK = Skip
SS = Slip Stitch
ST(s) = Stitch(es) 
WY = White yarn
YO = Yarn Over


AC = 2 strands of "Loops & Threads® Woolike™ Yarn" from Michael's Cyclops used Red, and Blue-Eyes used Blue
BY =  2 strands of black "Loops & Threads® Woolike™ Yarn" from Michael's
MC = 1 strand of Citrus "Loops & Threads® Soft & Shiny™ Yarn" from Michael's
WY =  2 strands of white "Loops & Threads® Woolike™ Yarn" from Michael's

Other Materials:

Crochet Hook: H/8 or 5.00 mm 
Yarn/ Tapestry Needle


For a toddler/ child.

Hat Pattern:

In MC, make a Magic Ring.
Row 1: 11 DC in magic ring, SS to first DC, CH 2 (Count CH as a DC)
Row 2: 2 DC in each ST around, SS to first DC, CH 2 (24 DC)
Row 3: *2 DC in first ST, DC in next ST*, repeat around, SS to first DC, CH 2 (36 DC)
Row 4: *2 DC in first ST, DC in next 2 ST*, repeat around, SS to first DC, CH 2 (48 DC)
Row 5: *2 DC in first ST, DC in next 10 ST*, repeat around, SS to first DC, CH 2 (52 DC)
Row 6: *2 DC in first ST, DC in next 15 ST*, repeat around, SS to first DC, CH 2 (55 DC)
Row 7: *2 DC in first ST, DC in next 20 ST*, repeat around, SS to first DC, CH 2 (57 DC)
Row 8: 2 DC in first DC where chain is, DC in each  ST, SS to first DC, CH 2 (60 DC)
Row 9: DC in first DC where chain is, DC in each  ST, SS to first DC, CH 2 (62 DC)
Row 10: DC in first DC where chain is, DC in each  ST, SS to first DC, CH 2 (64 DC)
Row 11-14: SK first DC where chain is, DC in each  ST around, SK the CH ST, SS to first DC, CH 2 (64 DC)
Adjust by adding more Rows to make correct length,  if needed. Do not fasten off, start on ear-flap.


Continue with MC. 
Row 1: CH 1, SC in next 10, CH 1, turn
Row 2; SC in each ST, CH 1, Turn  (10 SC)
Row 3: SCD, SC in next 6, SCD, CH 1, turn (8 SC)
Row 4: SC in each ST, CH 1, Turn  (8 SC)
Row 5: SCD, SC in next 4, SCD, CH 1, turn (6 SC)
Row 6:  SC in each ST, CH 1, Turn  (6 SC)
Row 7: SCD, SC in next 2, SCD, CH 1, turn (4 SC)
Row 8: SC in each ST, CH 1, Turn  (4 SC)
Row 9:  2 SCD, CH 1 (2 SC)
Row 10: SCD, CH 1
Row 11: SC, CH 30, tie off with long tail. (to create string)
Find the second ear-flap's placement by folding hat in half. Set the second ear-flap back five stitches, so there is more space in front.
Create a loop to secure the yarn to the front location for the second ear-flap. Repeat Ear-flap row one through eleven, above.

Hat Edging with Braided Tie String:

Use AC + BY for Cyclops or AC + WY for Blue-Eyes.

*CH 30 with a long lead string off the first ST of the CH. SC in the last SCD of the ear flap. SC across front of hat down other ear flap, SC in last SCD of other ear flap, CH 30 fasten off with a tail of yarn hanging form the end. * Repeat for the back of the hat.

Braid together the 3 CHs and Knot the three tails together when the brain runs out of chain.

Monster Eye(s):

For Cyclops:
In BY, make a Magic Ring.
Row 1: CH 2, 6 HDC, SS to first HDC
Change to AC, CH 2.
Row 2: 2 HDC in each ST, SS to first HDC, 
Row 3: CH2, 2 HDC in each ST, SS to first HDC,
Change to WY, CH 2.
Row 4: *2 HDC in first ST, HDC in next ST,* Repeat around, SS to first HDC
Change to MC, CH 1.
Row 5: SC in each ST all the way around, SS to first SC

For Blue-Eyes (Make 3):
In BY, make a Magic Ring.
Row 1: CH 2, 6 SC, SS to first SC
Change to AC, CH 1.
Row 2: 2 SC in each ST, SS to first SC,
Change to WY, CH 1.
Row 3:*2 SC in first ST, SC in next ST,* Repeat around, SS to first SC
Change to MC, CH 1.
Row 4:  SC in each ST all the way around, SS to first SC

For Blue-Eyes I am going to pull a, "Do as i say and not as I did. " I used HDC on row 1 , 2 and 3.... and I thought the eyes were too big for a good placement. I changed the pattern to be SC.  

Place the eye(s) on the hat where you think it will look good. Sew it/them into place using the MC through the BL of the row out of the MC on the eye. 

Miscellaneous  Monster Accents:

For Cyclops:
I gave the eye, eyelashes. 
I hooking some BY through the FL of the MC row on the top. 
Repeat the process as many times as desired to create eyelashes.
Here is a pictorial tutorial on the process:
Fold piece of yarn in half pull through FL
Step 1- Fold piece of yarn in half pull through FL

YO the two tails and pull through Loop
Step 2 - YO the two tails and pull through loop.
Pull tight
Step 3- Pull tight.

Trim to desired length
Step 4- Trim to desired length.

Cyclops also has some black hair on the top of his head. I just wrapped some BY around my hand a few times. Inserted the bundle on one side of the magic ring on top of the hat, and pulled it out the other side directly across.  I knotted it 2 or 3 time to be secure. Then trimmed to length. 

For Blue-Eyes:
In stead of eyelashes I went for Eye brows or eye line, depending on you opinion.
Using the BY and my Needle, I did a basic embroidery stem stitch.
I do know that you may not embroider, so the basic description is a long stitch forward on the surface, a short on backwards (out of sight / on the underside of fabric/ Yarn chain).
Here is a pictorial tutorial on how to do a stem stitch... note this is on paper and I drew what resembles a crochet ST.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Well that is it for instructions. Hope you find this useful to create your own Monster hats!


Monster Hat


Front Eye shot

Side View
Cyclops Side

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Hippity Hoppity Hippo Hat

This was a fun hat to make. I must say, I did stick to the directions way more than I normally do. For my Hippity Hoppity Hippo Hat,  I started by using the Hippo Hat Pattern from Repeat Crafter Me. Then got all funky and changed things, adding taking away, adjusting. Since it is a baby hat... no buttons allowed for me!

I'm sure you are more interested in my adaptations than my long winded fluff, so here you go!

Stitches/ Abbreviations:

AC - Accent Color
CH - Chain
EC1- Eye Color 1
EC2 - Eye Color 2
MC - Main Color
SC - Single Crochet
SCD - Single Crochet Decrease
SS - Slip stitch
ST(s) - Stitch(es)


MC - 2 strands of blue "Loops & Threads® Woolike™ Yarn" from Michael's  
AC - 2 strands of green "Loops & Threads® Woolike™ Yarn" from Michael's
EC1 - 2 strands of black "Loops & Threads® Woolike™ Yarn" from Michael's.
EC2 - 2 strands of white "Loops & Threads® Woolike™ Yarn" from Michael's,

I start by using the MC and following the instructions for Size: 9-12 Months (Should fit up to about 16). I complete all 13 rows as outlined without deviation.

My Ear Flap Variation:

Still using the MC I work my way in to my style of  ear flap.
Row 1 - CH 1, SC in next 10 STs, CH 1, turn
Row 2-  SCD, SC in next 6 STs, SCD, CH 1, turn
Row 3 - SCD, SC in next 4 STs, SCD, CH 1, turn
Row 4 - SCD, SC in next 2 STs, SCD, CH 1, turn
Row 5 - Make 2  SCD, CH 1, turn
Row 6 - SCD, CH 30 and fasten off with a tail of yarn form the end of the chain.

Follow the instructions for Hippo Hat Pattern from Repeat Crafter Me for placement of the other Ear flap, but repeat the instructions above leaving a 30 CH tail on the other ear flap.

Hat edging and braided tie:

In the AC.
*CH 30 with a long lead string off the first ST of the CH.SS in the last SCD of the ear flap. SC across front of hat down other ear flap, SS in last SCD of other ear flap, CH 30 fasten off with a tail of yarn hanging form the end. * Repeat for the back of the hat.
Braid together the 3 CHs and Knot the three tails together when the brain runs out of chain,

Outer Ear:

I made my outer ear according to the ear instructions in the Hippo Hat Pattern 

Inner ear:

Using the AC. 
CH 4
HDC in the 2nd CH ST from hook.
SC in last CH ST
CH 1, turn
SC in SC and in next HDC
2 SC in each ST at top of ear.
SC in ST coming down the other side of ear.
SS bottom of ear together.

Sew into outer ear.

White of eye: 

Use EC2.
I made my white eye according to the instructions in the Hippo Hat Pattern, but

Center of Eye: 'Cause I did not want to use a button.

Using EC1.
Magic ring (from instructions)
4 SC in ring,
Pull ring closed.
SS in first SC.

Sew to the white of the eye.

Hippo Hat Eyes and ears Shot
Hippo Eyes & Ears


I made my teeth according to the instructions in the Hippo Hat Pattern.

Hippo Hat Teeth shot
Hippo Teeth & Snout

 Hippo Snout: 

Using the AC. 
I started by following the instruction in the Hippo Hat Pattern.
The pattern ends just below the nose holes Start by going down away form the nostril.
SC all the way around the lower snout.
Separate out the nostril by placing 3 SCs in the CH that creates the hole.
SC across the top.
Separate out the other nostril by placing 3 SCs in the CH that creates the hole.
SS to first SC of round.
CH 1, Turn.
SC in each SC of nostrils and top of snout.

This is again because I didn't want to use a buttons. 

Snout placement. Sew down the main snout leaving the nostril tops free.

Stitching down the nostril, separate it from the snout to allow the base hat color (MC) to show through. Stitch down between the first and second SC on the snout to allow the nostrils to flair.

Voila One Hip-pity Hop-pity Hippo Hat. 

Hippo Hat- Front Shot
Hippo Hat- Front
Hippo Hat- Side Shot
Hippo Hat - Side

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Raspberry Days of Winter ?!?

Raspberries are my favorite fruit. There is just something,  so good about going out an picking the sun warmed fruit of the bush and eating them before you even get back inside.

On craving days like to day I really miss my Grandma. She passed away back in 2004. She lived her life in a house that my Grandfather build. He was a carpenter. In her backyard was a beautiful large flower garden  (at lease 4 feet by 12 feet- probably more), Behind there when I was young was a huge vegetable garden (I'm guessing a minimum of 20 ft by 12 ft- again probably more). The place I loved most were the two to three rows of raspberry bushes running the long length of the vegetable garden.

I remember on summer days Grandma would send us outside to find ripe raspberries with a bowl or a bucket. I know more of the berries wound up in my stomach than in the collection to go inside to be made into jam, and for dessert like in a fresh raspberry pie or onto ice cream.

Are your expecting me to share one of those time loved recipes for my Grandma's raspberry something?  Well I will cover the recipe for a raspberry something. It is not Grandma's recipe, but you can make it anytime of the year with some red and green yarn.

The following are directions to create a raspberry hat. I started out with instructions from Olivia from Hopeful Honey called Raspberry Baby Hat Crochet Pattern. In truth, I found the instructions hard to understand and follow.  I also found that the "Puff Stitch" wasn't very puffy, nor was it explained in the instructions. I  did find the instructions for a "Puff Stitch" posted by a Julia from FaveCrafts in response to a reader who asked how to do the stitch. It was "berried" at the bottom of the screen. 

 I can't leave anything alone and changes abound from the original instruction I was using.  I wrote out my pattern, and I am naming it in honor of my Grandma. 

Theresa's Raspberry Hat Crochet Pattern


Crochet Hook: H/8 or 5 mm  

Yarn:  MC= "Franken yarn" - close to a light/medium weight yarn (bulk 3). My franken yarn was 2 strands of red "Loops & Threads® Woolike™ Yarn" from Michael's and 1 strand pink variegated Aunt Lydia’s Crochet Cotton Classic 10
AC= 2 strands of green "Loops & Threads® Woolike™ Yarn" from Michael's  


Tapestry/ Yarn needle

Stitches and Abbreviations: 

CH - chain
BL - back loop
DC - Double Crochet
HDC - Half Double Crochet 
SC - Single Crochet 
SK - Skip
SS - slip stitch 
ST(s) - Stitch(s) 
TC - Treble Crochet 
YO - Yarn Over
* - section to repeat. 

Specialty Stitches Abbreviations and Instructions:

Magic Ring - Magic Ring Tutorial

PS - Puff Stitch: *YO, insert hook in ST, YO, bring a loop through the ST, YO, bring loop through 2 loops on hook* repeat 3 more time. YO, draw loop through 4 loops on hook, YO, draw through 2 loops on hook.

LPS - Large Puff Stitch: *YO, insert hook in ST, YO, bring a loop through the ST, YO, bring loop through 2 loops on hook* repeat 4 more time. YO, draw loop through 5 loops on hook, YO, draw through 2 loops on hook.

Pattern Instructions:


Using MC yarn. 
Magic Ring
Row 1 - *DC in the ring, CH1* (repeat 5 more times), SS to first DC, CH 2. (row has 12 STs)
Row 2  - PS in every ST of row 1, SS in first PS, CH 2. (row has 12 PS)
Row 3 - *2 PS in PS of row 2, PS in next PS of row 2* Repeat all the way around, SS in first PS, CH 2. (row has 18 STs)
Row 4 - *2 PS in PS of row 3, PS in next two STs of row 3* Repeat all the way around, SS in first PS, CH 2. (row has 24 STs)
Row 5 -  *2 PS in PS of row 3, PS in next six STs of row 3* Repeat all the way around, SS in first PS, CH 2. (row has 27 STs)
Row 6 - *PS in fist ST, LPS in next ST* Repeat all the way around, SS in first PS, CH 2. 
Row 7 - *LPS in fist ST, PS in next ST* Repeat all the way around, SS in first PS, CH 2.
Row 8 - Repeat row 6
Row 9- Repeat row 7
Row 10-  *PS in fist ST, LPS in next ST* Repeat all the way around, SS in first PS, CH 1. 
Row 11-  SC in each ST, SS in first SC.
Fasten off and weave in ends.


Using AC yarn. 
Magic Ring
Row 1 - SC 5 times, SS in first SC, CH 1
Row 2 to 5 - SC into each ST, SS in first SC, CH 1
Row 6 - Decrease stitch through all ST, fasten off.

Leaves (make 6):

Using AC yarn. 

CH 9.
Side 1 (One side of foundation CH) - SC in 2nd CH, HDC in next ST, DC in next ST, TC in next two STs, DC in next ST, 2 HDC in last CH ST. CH 2.
Side 2 (Other side of foundation CH) - 2 HDC in first ST, HDC in next ST, DC in next St, TC in next two STs, DC in next ST, 2 HDC in last CH ST, SS to fist SC on Side 1.
Fasten off with extra long tail. Weave Up the center or the leave to the opposite end which is the end by the stem.

Creating the berry hat top:

Step 1: Using the extra yarn and yarn needle sew the leaves together in the BL half way down to create a circle, the yellow lines in this image shows where it was sewn.
Step 1- Sew leaves in a circle.
Step 2: Sew the stem in the center using some green yarn that matched the leaves n stem. 
I did this by running a stitch for leaf to opposite leaf, each stitch represented by a different color in the image.  Pulling each stitch tight the leaves will want to fold up towards the stem into a flower. This is not a problem.
Step 2- Add the Stem
Step 3: Sew the full green top to the hat. Centering the stem over the hat's center an the leaves over row 1 of DCs.  I stitched down the center of the leaves about 3/4 of the way, then back to the stem then down the next leaf back to the stem, all the way around.  I allowed the tips of the leaves to stick up/out for a realistic look. The green dashes in the image represent the stitch route. 

Step 3- Sew to the Hat


Here is my finished hat.

Raspberry Hat sideview
Theresa's Raspberry Hat- Side View

Raspberry Hat topview
Theresa's Raspberry Hat- Top View

I have already been asked to make this for an adult friend. I told them it will have to be a blackberry, boysenberry, or maybe a yellow raspberry.