Monday, March 16, 2015

Sorry for no post, but it may contiue that way for a while.

Here is the latest update on Janet's healthcare: She is still at University of Minnesota Medical Center. She has been there all week being treated for pneumonia and other issues.
On Wednesday, they did a CT scan and we got the results Thursday from her Oncology doctor. All her tumors in the abdomen and lungs have grown rapidly since the last scan in January and there are now new ones.
Bottom line is there is nothing more they can do for her medically and they recommended hospice..
On Friday, Julie, Joan and I met with the hospice coordinator to talk about all the options. With the level of care she needs, home hospice is not a good option. So we decided on residential hospice at "
Our Lady of Peace Home"  in St. Paul. Until a room is available, Janet will be transferred to a nursing home close to our home in the next few days.
Keep us in your prayers.

Then my sister elegantly posted:
Until my dad was ready and we made contact with some family.... i decided i was not going to release the UPDATE OF Mom's health. Our family is blessed even in our pain, struggles, and heartache. On Friday Joan, her wife, dad and i attended mom's hospice meeting. One thing my dad does not mention in his post, which I don't think he's ready to say, is what time line we're looking on for hospice... Based upon her scans in January to her scans last week. I ask the doctor what the anticipated time frame is. mind you, at no time do we ever have a stamp on our foot telling us this is the date but there are things you can look at. based upon the information that we have right now, which can change and might change...... The doctor believes it would be anywhere from a month to 2 month... I know my mom is unique and has never followed the norm, so I have optimistically added an extra month. anywhere between a month and 3 months but only God knows when.

I don't even know where to start most of the days. My eye twitches daily, and have a ragging migraine since last week.  

I admire my sister for getting a tattoo (her first) in honor of mom.
 A pineapple is a symbol of hospitality. It was on of the things my mother tried to teach us young. There were pineapple shaped lamps in the living room our whole lives.

As I go through crying jags ans headaches, and un-focusing eyes as I work through the grief process my sister reminded my of my Grandma Carey's (my mom's mom) favorite poem.
Called the Weaver, this is a photo of our original print from Grandma Carey.

 Take care, and enjoy every second of every day no matter if it is dark or Gold!!!!

  To end I am sharing a photo of my mom hamming it up with my sister. 

Just received GREAT news mom got into "Our Lady of Peace Home"  in St. Paul. She will go directly from the U of MN to "Our Lady of Peace Home"  tomorrow. 

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